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Therapeutic Listeningprogram and



Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) belongs to the class of behavioral and mental disorders in children and adolescents. Lack of attention; It manifests itself with impulsive behavior, self-control disorders, and additional hyperactivity. According to DSM-5, defined as the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, the name of the syndrome is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Attention deficit disorder is not defined as a different disorder from this syndrome, but as a subtype of the same syndrome without hyperactivity. Attention deficit disorder (ADD) was not recognized as a disease for many years. However, today it is accepted that ADHD is a genetically transmitted, biological disease. Since attention deficit disorder alone was not defined as a disease in the past, many people with this disorder were branded as failures throughout their lives, had low academic achievements, were considered antisocial personalities, and were excluded from society. Today, criteria are determined according to DSM-5, which is defined as the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published by the American Psychiatric Association and determines the criteria for diagnosing mental illnesses, and ADD is defined as a subtype of ADHD.






















The most common symptom of attention deficit is low school success in children. The child cannot concentrate on the lesson, and even if he can concentrate for a while, he has trouble maintaining his attention. It is usually described as daydreaming, not listening to what is said, and closing in on one's own world. The same applies to adults. Individuals with attention deficit disorder do not pay attention to details, cannot adapt to given commands, and have organizational problems. In addition, these individuals cannot do their daily routine and are easily distracted. When hyperactivity is added to the picture, people cannot stand still or sit in the same place for a long time. These individuals talk too much, cannot wait for the other person to finish speaking, and have trouble doing tasks that require waiting or taking turns. Children have hyperactive behaviors such as constantly running left and right, climbing and jumping. Hyperactivity seen in adults is in the form of constantly running from one task to another. But these people never complete any work completely. Impulsivity, one of the most important symptoms of the syndrome, is seen as sudden behavior without thinking about oneself and the consequences of the action. 

Attention is the ability to select and hold an external event or thought in awareness. It refers to a general state of alertness that allows the nervous system to be receptive to any form of information that reaches it. 

In addition to its general effect on stimulation of the brain, called cortical stimulation, the Therapeutic Listening Method can also have extremely positive effects on selective attention. The aim is to develop automatic change detection mechanisms by the brain. When the client internalizes these mechanisms, he will be able to more easily determine the information that really interests him and will be able to reject or put secondary information into the background.

In this respect, the Therapeutic Listening Method is a complementary approach in supporting children and adults suffering from attention deficit disorder, whether or not hyperactivity is present.

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